Monday, May 27, 2013

On Remembering

Arlington Cemetery
Today is Memorial Day in the United States.  Originally known as Dedication Day, the "holiday" has called for remembrance of those slain in defense of the nation since its Civil War.  It would be sacrilege to forget their sacrifice.

Therefore, flags are placed in cemeteries across the country.  Parades honor the dead and living veterans of all wars.  Ceremonies often name the honored dead or seek to comfort their families.  In numerous other ways, this day is spent "remembering."

Every nation or peoples have their ways of remembering the dead regardless of the cause.  Perhaps most often, flowers are placed on the grave in memory and honor of the loved one.

In the land of Israel, the act of "remembering" has long called for quietly and prayerfully "leaving a stone" on the grave.  Various interpretations have been given for the choice of a stone.  You might wish to go to your favorite search engine and find these.

Whatever interpretation that you accept, the presence of stones on grave sites in this country assure that the dead are not forgotten.  Someone has remembered and acted with gratitude for life and loved ones.

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