Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Jerusalem Sites Least Explored

Solomon's Quarry or Zedekiah's Cave?
As Solomon's Quarry door beckons, so do numerous sites around Jerusalem.  Still these places often go unexplored.  Time is one factor.  The day of touring has only so many hours.  With a few days off, such sites deserve at least some notation.

Which is it then?  Solomon's Quarry or Zedekiah's Cave?  To be sure, it is an ancient quarry.  The question is: is it the source of some First Temple Period project or a much later one?  Perhaps King Herod's men quarried here. 

As for Zedekiah's Cave, the background story is a most interesting one.  According to Jeremiah 52:7-8, the Babylonians breached the walls of Jerusalem and all took flight even King Zedekiah.  Jewish tradition says that the king escaped through a cave near his house in the city which extended to the plains of Jericho.  However, the king was captured and made to watch the execution of his children.  It was the last thing on earth he saw.  The enemy savagely took his eyesight.

Sentiment today goes with the Zedekiah story as the reason for the name.  Such feelings or not, this site is one least-explored.  

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