So what can we learn from the Fifth Gospel regarding the second storm and the healing of a tortured soul?
- little consensus has been reached as to the identification of Gerasenes
- Hippos, one of the cities of the Decapolis, was nearest the landing spot
- locally the eastern side of the sea was known as "the other side" or the land of the Gentiles in the time of Jesus
- swine and swineherders confirm the presence of Gentiles
- could this be the "far country" in Jesus' parable of the Loving Father (Luke 15:11-32)
- by visiting there, Jesus became unclean according to Jewish law
- the cemetery also rendered one unclean
- the name Legion might refer to the nature of the possession (multiple demons) or symbolically to the demonic Roman Empire
- in the exorcism, Jesus exerted power over demons and the present world
- the fearful residents of the other side asked Jesus to leave
- the healed man asked to accompany Jesus back to the Jewish side
- unlike his usual request for silence on the Jewish side, Jesus exhorted the man to return home and tell how much God has done for him
- Jesus' second feeding miracle (4,000) highlights the success of "Legion" in telling of God's goodness
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