Here's what the Fifth Gospel tells us about these stories:
- Matthew and Mark identify the city as Bethany
- John identifies the woman as Mary if this is indeed a one-time event
- Matthew identifies the host as Simon the leper
- Bethany seems to have been the village closest to Jerusalem in which the Law permitted accommodations for lepers
- The woman is a "known" sinner yet welcomed by Jesus further supporting the charges of "friend of tax collectors and sinners" and "if this man were a prophet"
- The woman's anointing action is one of the five acts of hospitality in the 1st century
- Jesus' response to the Pharisee identifies other acts as washing of feet and the holy kiss
- The host did offer drink and food but obviously with a disdain for his guest
- The other charge against Jesus herein is that he forgives sinners
- Jesus' forgiveness of sin is that of God's and evokes such grateful and prodigious acts as that of the woman
- The line of faithful disciples includes this woman and others identified in 8:1-3
- The women are just a few who provide for Jesus "out of their means"
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