Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Places and People of Christmas

Over the next few blogs, let's consider the places and people of Christmas.  At the heart of the story are Mary and Joseph.  As for place, Luke has the betrothed couple in Nazareth.  Matthew assumes that they are already in Bethlehem.

If we follow Luke, there is a week-long, eighty-mile journey ahead of them.  The main question in those days was what route to take.  Pious Jews from Nazareth had several options including the Via Maris, the Jordan River Valley, or the Patriarchs' Highway.  While some scholars would discount the option through the central part of the country and through Samaria, the most logical route for Mary and Joseph was the ancient Patriarch's Highway.

I have traveled this way only twice.  It is a most remarkable and challenging journey.  How much more so for an expectant mother.  For more information and photos of the course before the holy family, you can visit Welcome to Hosanna website.


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