Saturday, December 15, 2012

Journey to Bethlehem

Kathisma Ruins Near Bethlehem
After passing through Jerusalem, Mary and Joseph continued south toward Bethlehem.  Nearing the village, Mary became weary and they stopped to rest.

According to the Protoevangelium of James, the couple rested at a site which became known as Kathisma, Greek for "seat."  Nearby was a well from which Mary drank.  Later in the Christmas story, the Wise Men camped near the well, and legend said that it was here that they saw the guiding star once again.

Centuries passed before the Byzantines built a church commemorating this tradition.  For even more years, the site was lost upon the destruction of the church.  The present-day ruins were revealed only when a new road was constructed.  The site awaits further restoration but can be seen on the east side of the highway between Ramat Rachel and Mar Elias.

Kathisma is worth a stop along your journey to Bethlehem.  The church was octagon-shaped and unusually layered.  At the center of the third layer stood a column which identified the spot where Mary rested from the burdens of her difficult journey. 

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