Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Preparing Spiritually for Your Journey through the Lands of the Bible

Earlier we addressed the need for physical exercise in preparing for your upcoming journey.  Walking is perhaps the best exercise.

Equally important will be your spiritual preparation through time-honored means of grace such as prayer and Bible reading.  As for the first, begin now to pray for your group leader, guide and fellow travelers.  If you can secure their names, pray for them individually.  What happens between the members of the group is a leading contributor to the success of your travel-study program.  

Begin also reading the Bible.  I recommend the following: Joshua, Deuteronomy, and the Gospels of Mark and John.  If you are a note-taker and already have a Bible that is marked over, you might consider buying a new and less expensive Bible with a few maps.  You can  then take new notes throughout your journey.

May the Lord bless all your preparations, both physical and spiritual.  Your walk with God will never be the same.

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