Sunday, September 16, 2012

A New Year!

A New Year!  Yes, tonight is the beginning of a new year for our Jewish friends.  Rosh Hashanah launches the observance of the High Holy Days in Judaism.

The blasts of the shofar sound throughout the season.  Some estimate than one hundred blasts of the shofar will be heard across these days.

While Rosh Hashanah lasts for two days, the holy days commence ten days of repentance.  The culmination of these days is Yom Kippur.  Rosh Hashanah remembers the creation of Adam and Eve, and it soberly recalls humankind's first sin.  Thus, we have the continuing call to repentance over these days.

The shofar, which is a ram's horn, serves as a symbol of God's mercy in dealing with humankind.  The ram horn is a detail found in the story of the Binding of Isaac.  God provides a sacrifice offering in the place of Isaac.

Torah readings for these two days come from Genesis, chapters 21 and 22.  A favorite food is apple dipped in honey as the faithful ask for the gift of sweetness in the new year.

May we all hear the call of Rosh Hashanah!  We pray for forgiveness and sweetness from the Lord and King of the universe tonight and throughout the new year.

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