Sunday, August 26, 2012

"One Giant Leap for Mankind"

Photo Courtesy of Todd Bolen
News came today of the death of Neil Armstrong.  He will be remembered as "the first man on the moon."  Who can forget his words as he took that first step?  "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

This news reminded me of a story often told in Israel of Armstrong's visit here.  While touring the Temple Mount Excavations under the guidance of archaeologist Benjamin Mazar, Armstrong suddenly realized that he was standing on the sacred southern steps.  Further hearing that he could be almost certain that Jesus walked these steps, Armstrong was profoundly moved and exclaimed that all that he had ever done paled into insignificance to his standing on the Rabbis' Teaching Steps.

Certainly Armstrong's famous step changed history, but the One who walked these steps and this land, Jesus of Nazareth, forever transformed humankind and the course of history.

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