Thursday, May 17, 2012

Today Is Ascension Day

Today is Ascension Day or the fortieth day of Easter.  For forty days, Jesus appeared to his disciples in a variety of settings and with various proofs of His resurrection.

According to Luke 24:50, this appearance of Jesus takes place outside Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives.  There are two traditional locations where Jesus' ascension is remembered.  The one pictured here is also associated with Mohammad.  Today it is a Muslim holy site as well.

A second location is more atop the Mount of Olives and in closer proximity to Bethany.  A Russian Orthodox chapel crowns the site.

Wherever the ascension might have taken place, the event challenged the minds and inspired the hearts of the first Christians.  Ten days later on the Day of Pentecost, the Church exploded forth to the four corners of the earth.  

The Church awaits His coming again in glory with open minds and hearts.  "Even so, come Lord Jesus!"

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