Saturday, May 26, 2012

Pentecost Begins This Evening

The Festival of Shavout or Weeks begins at sundown.  Christians know the observance as Pentecost.   

For seven days, the faithful give thanks for the harvest.  It is the season to celebrate the Lord's abundance and goodness.  In response, one brings the "first fruits" in gratitude.

In addition, the festival remembers the gift of the Torah.  Appropriately, the Ten Commandments take center stage among the many readings.  In keeping with the harvest theme, the Book of Ruth is read.

For Christians at Pentecost, the gift of God is the Holy Spirit.  Since Pentecost is somewhat less of an observance for the Church, it might serve us to explore the customs and observances of Shavout in biblical and modern Israel.

*Please note that I will not be blogging in June due to a heavy schedule of meetings and an upcoming move.  

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