Thursday, April 26, 2012

Doubting Thomas Sees and Believes

The Gospel of John offers us the only account of Jesus' appearance to Thomas.  Known previously as the "doubter" among the disciples, Thomas' encounter with the risen Lord brings him to faith.

Many questions linger about Thomas and his whereabouts that first Easter when Jesus appeared to the other ten disciples.  Speculation is all that we have.  Could he have been in Bethany with Mary, Martha and Lazarus?  Or perhaps he had scurried over the Mount of Olives and hid in the Wilderness.

My sense is that Thomas remained nearby since he kept abreast of the news.  Therefore, when he began to hear the rumors and news of the risen Jesus, he belatedly rejoined the other disciples.

I have often wondered if his hiding place was that of the other disciples after the crucifixion.  Did the many cemeteries around Jerusalem offer the disciples refuge?  Certainly, those in authority would not have defiled themselves before fully observing the Sabbath and Passover.  Jesus may not have been the only one to emerge from the cemetery that first Easter.

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