Friday, May 4, 2012

"A Charcoal Fire Was There"

The Sea of Tiberias and the Church of the Primacy
Twice John speaks of a "charcoal fire" in his gospel, John 18:18 and John 21:9.  The first occasion is in the courtyard of Caiaphas in Jerusalem; the second is on the shores of the Sea of Tiberias.

We can be sure that both references are chosen intentionally by the writer.  Equally, we can be certain that Simon Peter noticed both.

On the first occasion, he warmed himself while denying Jesus three times.  Shortly after that first Easter Day, Jesus used the second occasion of a charcoal fire to prepare breakfast for the disciples and call Peter to repentance and reconciliation.

Furthermore, Jesus seized the moment to recall Peter to role of Shepherd.  Forgiven by the Master, Peter was to feed His sheep.  Therefore, on the site today stands the Church of the Primacy over the traditional rock which contained the charcoal fire and a statute which captures the encounter of Jesus and Peter.

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