Monday, February 6, 2012

Herod's Gate

The pilgrim has seven gates by which to enter the Old City of Jerusalem. Earlier we highlighted the Damascus Gate. Five gates remain to discuss: St. Stephen's Gate, the Golden Gate, Dung Gate, Zion Gate, Joppa Gate, and the New Gate.

If you are counting, you know that there are eight gates to the Old City. But only seven are open to traffic. The Golden Gate is sealed.

Today, we entered by Herod's or the Flower Gate as it is sometimes called. This gate offers a less crowded route through the Muslim Quarter. Immediately inside, one encounters an attractive market. Then there is a rather quiet passage-way that winds downward to the Via Dolorosa.

Each gate has its own unique features and offers the curious visitor new sights and sounds just inside. Such were its gifts today.

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