Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ash Wednesday in the Holy Land

Greetings from the Holy Land on this Ash Wednesday! May your journey through Lent begin with a most meaningful observance of this day wherever you are!

The Church of the Flagellation (Scourging) along the Via Dolorosa is the beginning point for many pilgrims this day in Jerusalem. For a few coins, any group can take up a wooden cross from the gatekeeper and recount the steps of Jesus to Calvary long ago.

The Lenten journey is at least that for all of us, a recounting of Jesus' life and ministry, and it begins today. Each of us can embark on a reading plan which recalls Jesus' journey. Let me suggest the Gospel of Mark.

Over the centuries, the faithful have often chosen to "give up something." Self-denial is certainly at the heart of this holy season and the disciplined life.

Better yet, we might "take up something" for Lent. For example, we can take up a new cause or volunteer our time and service in a new setting.

Wherever you are, may you have a blessed and holy Lent!

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