Thursday, February 2, 2012

Above the Old City

One of the most fascinating places in the world is the souk or the market of the Old City of Jerusalem. I have strolled its narrow streets more times than I can count.

Today, I ascended to the rooftop that covers much of the market. For all the times that I explored the market, I remained unaware of the view from the rooftop.

Thanks to Jerome Murphy-O'Conner's An Archaeological Guide, I found the metal steps up to the rooftop. I joined other tourists enjoying the unique view.

The church steeples and domes that you see are those of Casa Nova, Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Other views that you do not see but are provided from this vantage point are of the Dome of the Rock and of David Street and its many shops.

So I managed another "first" in the land. The next time that you are in Jerusalem, go up on the roof for a delightful experience.

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