Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A First Visit to the Church of Mary Magdalene

Sometimes I am asked: "Is there anything left for you to see?" After eighteen seasons in the Holy Land, I guess the question is a natural. You might think that given the size of this land and the numerous trips made that little would be left to see.

The answer is "yes." This morning's walk was a case in point. While you can see the Church of Mary Magdalene from a distance or a passing bus, the visit today was my first on the grounds of the church and inside the church.

I have always admired this 19th century church with its seven beautiful, golden "onion domes." Situated on the edge of the Garden of Gethsemane, the grounds of the church are beautifully maintained. The interior of the church has beautiful icons in the Russian Orthodox tradition. Saint Elizabeth, the sister-in-law of Tsar Alexander III (the builder of this church), is buried inside the church.

Yes, there is still much for me to see in this land. Its sites, churches, and people continue to beckon me back. In fact, it is a comfortable second-home for us.

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