Sunday, August 1, 2010

Come and Study with Us!

Almost five months have passed since I returned from my annual travel/study in the Holy Land. As is often the case, I am becoming restless to return. I miss my friends, the sights and sounds, and my walks through the land.

Nevertheless, it is much too early to become homesick. I will not depart for another five months. Such longing would be a waste of my days in a land equally as dear to my heart. So I will seek to live fully in the here and now.

One thing that I can do is to journey there through my Bible study over the next five months. For this journey of mind and heart, I am choosing the Gospel of Mark. When I am in the land teaching, I employ Mark's itinerary traveling through the Galilee and thrill in his account of the stories of Jesus. Bargil Pixner was the first to suggest this fruitful use of Mark as one walks the Galilee

Let me extend the invitation for you to join me in this journey! Come and study with us! My prayer is that the One who walked long ago these ancient paths will meet us anew, walk with us and teach us.

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