Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ: Baptism

"The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ" (Mark 1:1) is the account of his baptism by John. Although John was baptizing at various sites, Jesus left Nazareth sometime in 27-28 CE and made his way to the Jordan River nearest Jericho and the Wilderness to be baptized. In submitting to the baptism of John, Jesus was affirming both the ministry and message of his cousin, John. John was the forerunner of the Messiah, the One who would baptize with fire rather than water. His message was one of repentance in preparation for the in-breaking of the kingdom of God.

At his baptism, Jesus was confirmed as God's Son when the heavens opened and the dove descended. More importantly, the voice of the heavenly Father announced that Jesus was the Son in whom He was well pleased.

Until recently, pilgrims and students have had only two options for their own baptisms in the Jordan. While Kibbutz Kinneret, on the southwestern corner of the Sea of Galilee, has worked diligently to improve this site (see photo above), the Yardenit (little Jordan) is not authentic and much too commerical. The other site, Bethany Beyond the Jordan, stands a better chance at authenticity but requires a visa to cross the border into the country of Jordan.

The good news is that the faithful can now access this site year-round from the Israeli side of the border at Qasr al-Yahud. No prior arrangements are necessary for your visit. The site is located some six miles from Jericho and is almost certainly in the vicinity where John was baptizing.

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