Tuesday, August 7, 2018

More About Bread and the Bread of Life According to the Fifth Gospel - Mark 6:35, 41-51

Bread continues to be the focus for Sunday's preaching.  This week, however, the discourse between Jesus and those gathered round lengthens to include the "bread of life."  While bread is a basic necessity of daily life, God's gift of "living bread" results in eternal life.

With the words "I am," Jesus lays claim to His role in God's plan for feeding all the hungers of humankind.  Three times, we hear Jesus echo God's reply to Moses as to His identity.  "I am who I am."  In fact, John records seven "I am" sayings of Jesus.  None of the seven is more instructive than Jesus as the bread of life.

As their fathers complained in the wilderness, the Jews (John's common designation for the Jewish leadership) murmured at Jesus' daring claim.  Only God's Messiah could provide the bread of life, and they knew Jesus to be only "the son of Joseph."  And with a knowing glare, they spoke of His mother as well.

Jesus held fast to His father's design and invitation!  "Do not labor for the food that perishes, but for the food that gives everlasting life."

This week's narrative closes without a definitive response from the crowd.  We must wait until next week's lesson (still in the bread chapter) for the results.





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