Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The Land and Preaching on Sunday's Gospel Text - Mark 6:14-29

The gospel writer records the arrest of John the Baptist in Mark 1:14.  Given this news, Jesus relocates to Capernaum and begins His ministries of amazing proclamation and mighty acts.  At this time, Jesus' actions attract the scrutiny of Herod Antipas, the ruler of the Galilee and John's judge and executioner.

Later in his gospel, Mark (6:14-29) looks back on the details of John's arrest and death:

  • Herod Antipas superstitiously saw "John in Jesus."  Like other rulers of Israel, Herod maintained a certain respect for the role of the prophets.  He feared a risen John.
  • Herodias, the wife of Antipas and previously of Philip, only wanted John's head  "served up on a platter."  John would not let her or anyone forget her adultery with Antipas.
  • Blinded by desire and passion for Herodias' daughter, Antipas lost all perspective and promised the world for one last dance.
  • Instead, the price to be paid was the death of John who was being held at Machaerus, one of the eleven fortresses surrounding the kingdom and John's Golgotha.
  • Antipas' weakness disallowed not fulfilling his oath to Herodias.  In Israel, you could disrespect a prophet in his hometown and ultimately in the court of the king.
During Jesus' last week in Jerusalem, Antipas and Jesus would finally meet.  What Antipas feared from John, he realized in the risen Jesus!

Machaerus in Jordan

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