Thursday, December 6, 2012

Today is St. Nicholas' Day

St. Nicholas


Today many Christians are observing St. Nicholas' Day on their journey to Christmas.  Nicholas lived in Asia Minor during the fourth century.  He became a model for gift-giving and subsequently the beloved Santa Claus.

Stories abound as to his sensitivity to human need and his abundant generosity.  Among the more famous is the time that he provided dowries for three daughters of an extremely poor family.

Therefore, the bishop of Myra became the patron saint of such varied groups as sailors, children, pawnbrokers and nations.  Here in the land, St. Nicholas is beloved as the patron saint of Beit Jala, one of the towns that make up the greater Bethlehem area.  It is believed that during his four-year pilgrimage to the Holy Land he lived in a cave in Beit Jala.  A church has stood over the cave for centuries now.  On December 19, the feast day of St. Nicholas for Greek Orthodox, Beit Jala celebrates its patron saint with some of the more joyous observances of the Advent season.

St. Nicholas Church in Beit Jala

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