Sunday, November 18, 2012

Religious Studies Scholars Gather for Annual Meetings

Scholars representing a variety of disciplines in religious studies are gathering for their annual meetings in Milwaukee and Chicago.  They are here to present and hear papers regarding the latest discoveries and research in their fields.

As with any such gatherings, they are here to connect.  Many will catch-up with friends while consuming coffee or quick lunches.  Some are here to connect in the search for open teaching positions or to seal publishing contracts.  All in all, the settings are warm, alive and spirited.

Booksellers are present to provide the latest in scholarly publications.  Universities and seminaries are represented in the search for prospective students.

The Jerusalem Center for Biblical Studies has representatives at both the Evangelical Theological Society and the Society for Biblical Literature Annual Meetings.  The goal is to offer JCBS as a partner with colleges, seminaries, professors and students for travel-study in the lands of the Bible.

The timing of these events should not be lost on us.  They take place during the annual Thanksgiving break.  Let's give thanks for these who spend their lives in search of God and truth and communicating this wisdom to future generations of God's servants.  Thanks be to God!

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