Monday, November 12, 2012

Group Meetings Assist with Preparations

Let me offer one last word on preparations for your journey through the Holy Land.  Much more can be said about the subject at hand.  Thus it is certainly not the final word that could be shared.

If group members are geographically close, meetings will assist greatly with preparations.  Such times together before departure can do more than acquaint the group members.  They can build unity and care for one another.  Group behavior contributes greatly to the quality of the travel-study experience.

Such meetings can be used for orientation and group study.  Some time can be used for sharing practical information about such matters as packing and luggage, currency, and other tips for travel abroad.  Possible study topics are "The Geography of the Land" or the Gospel of Mark.

Planning ahead and extensive preparations now can help individuals and the group to avoid unpleasant experiences once in the land.  Rely on your group leader who is probably experienced in these matters, and take time to learn from other members of the group.

Next year in Jerusalem!

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