Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Purim Begins This Evening

Purim begins this evening. May your observance bring the joy of knowing God who stands by His people in troubled times. This God raises up women and men for leadership in times like these.

The story of Purim is grounded in events recounted in the Book of Esther. The characters include the evil Haman, the wise Mordechai, and the bold and beautiful Esther. A plan to destroy the Jewish people of the Persian Empire is thwarted by the actions of Esther.

Today, the faithful will fast from sunrise until sunset. However tomorrow (March 8) will be a feast day. It is customary to send gifts food to friends all across the feast day.

Giving to the poor and needy is also required. In fact, custom calls for assisting at least two persons.

Children and youth truly enjoy the observance of Purim. Costumes and masks are the order of the day. If one did not know better, the celebrations look very much like that of Mardi Gras or Halloween.

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