Monday, August 8, 2011

Tisha B'Av Begins This Evening

Tisha B'Av, perhaps the saddest observance in Judaism, begins at sundown today. Hebrew for the ninth day of the month of Av, the day is remembered for the loss of Jerusalem's Temple, not once but twice. The first destruction came at the hands of the Babylonians, while the second occurred in 70 C. E. as a result of Rome's retaliation against the Jewish people. Both attacks came on the same day.

Tonight, restaurants will close in Jerusalem as the twenty-five hour fast begins. In synagogues and homes, the books of Lamentations and Job will be read. The faithful will deny themselves baths, oil treatments, the wearing of leather shoes, even the satisfaction of a husband's desire for his wife.

The loss remembered on Tisha B'Av was catastrophic. And yet, the God of hope continued to be in the midst of God's people. God's faithful found ways to worship yet. The lesson of this holiday remains a vital one for us in a time of profound losses.

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