Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Great Fifty Days

Dietrich Bonhoeffer said it for so many of us: "I have a special affection for the days after Easter." The great fifty days are just that. The appearances of Jesus following His resurrection define the Christian faith and hope.

Among the sites in the land associated with an appearance of the risen Lord to His disciples is the Church of the Primacy located on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee. The place holds special meaning for me.

The Mensa Christi, as it is also known, was where Jesus met seven of his disciples fishing. They had returned to their old ways of living. The return to Galilee by the disciples constituted a crisis for Jesus and the movement. Therefore, he confronted them, especially Simon Peter, restored them to fellowship, and recalled them to the ministry of fishing for men. He sent them forth again to feed His sheep.

In these days following Easter, may we too experience reconciliation and restoration. Let us rise renewed for this ministry!

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