Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Jesus Has Power over Demons

John Killenger captures Mark's purpose in the writing of his good news about Jesus. According to Mark, Jesus has power over demons, disease and death. Jesus' first mighty act is recorded in Mark 1:21-28 and takes place in the synagogue at Capernaum.

As Jesus was teaching, a man "who was possessed by an evil spirit," cried out at Jesus' intrusion into his territory. It is intriguing that the man possessed considered the house of God as his realm. Then again, the kingdom of God was breaking in in the ministry of Jesus. The power of God is greater than that of the principalities and powers of this world. Yes, Jesus of Nazareth embodied that power and came to destroy and transform these forces.

Equally as intriguing is the response of the worshippers present on the sabbath. They were all amazed, and there is no adverse reaction because of this mighty work on the sabbath. Such a response can be attributed to the fact that the Pharisees of Capernaum were Hillelian. To be able to do good on the sabbath and not do is a violation of the law. Other schools would and did beg to differ.

As a result, "news about him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee."

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