The Land - One of the most active excavations in the environs of Jerusalem in the last few years has been on the southern end of the Temple Mount. Among the revelations there is what is commonly called the "rabbis' teaching steps." These expansive steps served pilgrims who approached the Temple for worship from the south. The steps helped the worshippers access the Huldah Gates. Near them stood the ritual baths which rendered them clean for worship.
The steps received its name as rabbis finished their teaching in the porticos and needed a place to proclaim a message from God without interruption. Certainly, this place provided the much sought after audience. One rabbi who took advantage of this podium was Jesus. According to Matthew 23, Jesus concluded his public ministry on this steps with a proclamation entitled, "the Seven Woes."
The Lesson - Today, one can visit these steps and spend time pondering the heart of the pilgrim of the first century and examining one's own heart. Many psalms served the worshipper of that time in their approach to the Temple. Of these psalms, Psalm 100 captured the mood of the pilgrim, the expectancy in Temple worship, and the adoration of God who is good and whose love endures forever. As such, this psalm continues to express for the faithful their hope and aspirations for worship.
*Two other significant scriptures to read and study on the teaching steps are Matthew 23 and Acts 2:1-41.
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